Keep moving...
VIDEO 1: Post Walk Pilates Mat
Description: Work through this shorter Pilates post walk session with me during our social distance. Please know I’m recording my sessions through me for you—but at times I may not identify the move by name, or queue the flow thoroughly, but we’re moving. Keeping it real with no editing! I’m committed to staying in contact with you—we’ve been together a long time.
Hope we can still have fun moving together.
VIDEO 2: Fluid Pilates Mat
Description: Here’s a strong fluid flow to keep us moving together! Hope you enjoy—modify where you need to and where your body needs! You’ll love the amateur filming at the end—I’m headless in a standing pose.
Keep the faith—we’re all OK. Grateful for each of you!
VIDEO 3: Gentle Yoga Flow
Description: Move with ease and breath thru gentle poses—filling up and letting go. A great flow after a long day.
We’re all strong and in this together
VIDEO 4: Strong Flow Stability
Description: Another unedited video, but try this core strong flow on the stability ball—meant to create balance in the body! Enjoy
Balanced and in this together
VIDEO 5: Open Flowing Mat
Description: Take a break from your chair and your computer to move and open thru a flow to unwind and reset. Miss you!
Strong fluid flow to keep us moving together.
VIDEO 6: Short & Sweet Flow
Description: Move and flow with this short sequence guaranteed to make you feel better after moving! How are we all doing???? Miss you.
Short and sweet flow to keep up moving together.
VIDEO 7: Reformer Flow (no props)
Description: Move and strengthen with this classic Reformer flow
Strong fluid flow to keep us moving together.